Founder's Message

Just a tiny seed

I have known lack and how it threatens the lifetime dreams of many. Each time a student is forced to forgo the pursuit of his or her education for lack of funds, that is one dream truncated. Each time an artisan is unable to establish a workshop after spending years to learn the craft, that is another dream truncated. When a petty trader packs up because she has dipped hands into her capital to feed her children, that’s one more dream truncated.

It was this personal knowledge of lack that led me to discover the true meaning of ‘opportunity’ beyond what lexicographers ascribe to it. Throughout my life and career, I have seen amazing outcomes when opportunity is given to the right and deserving people who ordinarily may not have had a shot at it. Take, for instance, education. I come from a humble background, and would not have been where I am today if I did not get the chance to be educated. Mine was education, to others it could be loan or grants that turned their lives around.

Giving people opportunities to thrive in life or in their chosen endeavour is one of the greatest projects of any philanthropy. That is why this Foundation will search for - and team up with - partners around the world to take on this tough challenge of giving indigent people opportunity to be educated, to get support to make a living in trade, crafts, agriculture and any other area where we can help them thrive. Our focus on few areas is an effective way to make the right impact. These cardinal areas: education, trade, craft, and agriculture are fertile grounds where our investment in the chosen deserving persons will align with our set objectives.

We will use innovative ways to help beneficiaries of our programmes create opportunities and make a living while solving problems and providing the needs of the general public. Our role is to, through philanthropy, bridge the gaps that in the words of Bill and Melinda Gates “governments and businesses can’t afford to make”.

We recognise the fact that resources are scarce and we may not be able to reach out to everyone we desire strongly to impact, but we will ensure that these limited resources will be used on deserving and promising indigent people who will, in the future, also offer to others what they freely received.

Just imagine the multiplier effect this will have on our objectives.

We believe we can achieve this, and we know a tiny seed planted on a fertile ground can bring forth a rich harvest. This is the tiny seed, and my own little way of thanking this society that has shown me so much kindness.

- Dr Alex Otti (OFR)

Who we are

We are believers in the miracle of gratitude. We know we must not have the whole world before we can help those not as privileged as we are. With the little resources at our disposal, we invest in people as our own way of showing gratitude to God and country - for all that we were blessed with. Our fulfilment comes from watching individuals and families  smile because of the help we extend to them.  We believe in giving back, and we do so by investing in people.


To lift out of poverty as many Abians as our resources can permit.


To make life easier for the indigent Abian by sponsoring his or her children’s education, treating him for minor health issues, helping his trade or craft or farm with grants, and helping to lift the burden of lack in his/her life in every way possible. To deploy our resources in identifying those in most need of our intervention and reaching out to help them, no matter where in the state they reside, without undermining their dignity and humanity.